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  • Who we are

    Boston Logan International Airport:

    Logan International Airport is the busiest airport in New England consisting of approximately four square miles of land, over 100 structures and multiple high hazard response areas. The requirements set forth by the Federal Aviation Administration for the operation of the airport are far exceeded in both staffing and training requirements and Local S-2 is committed to keeping to that higher standard. Local S-2 operates three stations at Logan which includes a compliment of structural, ARFF, hazardous materials, and marine assets. S-2 members respond to many emergency situations including motor vehicle accidents, building and aircraft fires and provide first in due EMT care at Logan Airport with transportation provided by Boston EMS. S-2 also participates in Mutual Aid for both structure fires in surrounding communities as well as a foam task force that is able to respond within minutes notice to any location necessary. The Foam Task Force has capabilities to combat both hydrocarbon (non-ethanol) fires and polar solvent (ethanol) fires. We also provide the capabilities of specialized dry chemical suppressant for large electrical fires

    Local S-2 provides ARFF services for the airport. Hanscom field is rated as the second busiest airport in New England, second only to Logan. S-2 members based at Hanscom Field are trained to the requirements of Boston Logan Airport which exceeds the minimum requirements set forth by the FAA for Hanscom Field. Local S-2 is in hopes of future expansion of staffing and equipment, to once again exceed the industry standard.

    Local S2 also provides ARFF services for Worcester airport. Worcester Regional Airport (IATAORHICAOKORHFAA LIDORH) is three miles (5 km) west of Worcester, in Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States. The main property lies within municipalities of Worcester and Leicester, with supporting facilities in Paxton. Once owned by the City of Worcester, the airport has been owned and operated by the Massachusetts Port Authority (Massport) since June 2010.[2]

    Page Last Updated: Nov 01, 2020 (08:45:20)
  • IAFF Local S2

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